Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Coorow, Western Australia 2023

Date: 9-10th March 2023

Travelled: 160 kms from Cervantes to Coorow in Western Australia   

Visited:  Jurien Bay, Green Head and Coorow  

Stayed: Coorow RV, $15, S29.88063, E116.01732  

Budget: days @ $ per day

We decide to have a coffee and some fruit then hit the road. Rather than walk around Cervantes again weโ€™ll have our walk at Jurien Bay which is about 35 kms further north.

As we are driving into Jurien Bay it becomes obvious it is a much larger town than Cervantes. There is a new housing development on the edge of town and itโ€™s obviously a lot busier even on an Easter Sunday morning.

Driving down to the waterfront Iโ€™m horrified to find a market in progress and itโ€™s too late to avoid Pamโ€™s need to browse. So we park and go for a walk through the markets and onto the coastal walking path. On the way back Pam suggest we walk the beach, which translates to thatโ€™s not her sort of markets.

Eventually we make our way back, walking out to the pier, finding the fisherman are not having much luck. The views across the bay make the stop worthwhile. The waterfront of Jurien Bay is a series of grassed parklands, childrenโ€™s play equipment and cafes, it looks like a great place to retire in our opinion.

We drive up into the centrum finding a bakery and a loaf of wholemeal bread. My Bakerโ€™s Delight HFLG in the freezer is running low and it would be a shame to waste it when Pam prefers no-name wholemeal anyway.

Our mission in Jurien Bay is complete so we return to Indian Ocean Drive and our journey north. Itโ€™s another 30 kms or so to Green Head. Its much more laid back than Jurien and despite some nice homes, it has more a 1970โ€™s feel about it.

Green Head has an idyllic small cove, well protected by headlands on either flank. It looks like perfect snorkelling territory to me or perhaps a paddle board if youโ€™re so inclined.

Given Easter and the school holidays were saying goodbye to the WA coast for 10 days or so. We cannot book anywhere near the coast and the crowded overflow camps arenโ€™t that appealing, so we turn east for the northern wheat belt..

The Green Head Coorow Road is an easy country drive the 80 kms takes an hour or so with a coffee stop.

Looking at the picture above, youโ€™re thinking Coorow doesnโ€™t look much. Well maybe it isnโ€™t but to Newton Clarke whoโ€™s lived here for 70+ years it is.

Coorow has a lovely little CP for $15 a night with all the extras, so we pop around and plug the Jayco into everything and take a walk into the village. With a population of less than 200 people and a pub thatโ€™s closed on Easter Sunday Coorow is the heart of the northern wheat belt of WA.

After a quiet evening Pam is determined to walk 6+ kms today, so our morning starts by crossing the railway line into Main Street which is just as lifeless as it was yesterday afternoon. Itโ€™s a bit like the movie High Noon, the street are clear but as we walk we can feel eyes are watching us.

We walk into the open air museum finding Newton Clarke the encyclopaedia of all things Coorow has his eye on us as well. Newton tell us his not a local as he has only lived here for 71 years. Wandering the museum he is such a pleasure to chat with. We talk about his life and the whose who of Coorow history, he made our day.

The pub and some other buildings in town are community owned as is the community farm. Newton tells us to drive up the hill and explore the community farm. I tell him where walking, he gave me that why would you walk look and tells us weโ€™ll be right.

It was a good walk with some interesting plagues and a tiny family graveyard. Pam got her 6+ kms today.

Walking back from the farm we are followed by flocks of Red Tailed Black Cockatoos, which are wonderful to watch but hard to photograph.

Coorow has a huge sporting complex adjacent to the CP. An AFL field with lights, 6 tennis courts with lights, 3 netball courts no lights and a soccer pitch with lights. This surrounds a huge new community centre. I can live with all that despite Coorowโ€™s population of less than 200 people.

However I had to ask Newton about the new aquatic centre being built along side the community centre. I started by asking whatโ€™s wrong with the current 25 metre pool. Newton gave me a look and said absolutely nothing. Someone said we need a new pool and the State Government provided a $5.5 million grant.

I had to ask Newton about the railway station, did Coorow ever have a proper railway station ? He tells me they did but two trucks and crane showed up one day about 5 years ago and it was gone the next day. A week later a much smaller truck arrived with the new station pictured below.

We really enjoyed Coorow, especially meeting and chatting with Newton the only person we actually saw during our stay โ€ฆ

Michael + Pam

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