Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Hopetoun, Western Australia. 2023

Date: 18th March 2023

Travelled: 195 kms from Esperance to Hopetoun in Western Australia ย ย 

Visited:ย  The Marold Farm and Hopetoun ย 

Stayed: Hopetoun RV, free, S33.94660, E120.13163ย ย 

Budget: days @ $ per day

Our final evening in Esperance was just as quiet as the first. Full of Chinese food we sleep like babies.

Up early once again we have a coffee and go for a long walk taking in the view across the bay for a final time before readying the Jayco for the road once again.

We meet up with Joy and Johannes at the appointed time. Weโ€™ve been invited to โ€˜pop out to the farm for a look around itโ€™s only 50 kms up the wayโ€™ as Johannes puts it. Itโ€™s on our way north-west and we feel honoured to be offered a guided tour. We follow J+J out to the turn off for the farm, park the Jayco and continue on the last few kms with them.

Weโ€™ve spent a bit of time in Johannesโ€™ Toyota Hybrid something or other. It provides Johannes with heaps of good advice like slow down, youโ€™re not watching where you are going and youโ€™re talking too much. Perhaps that last bit was from Joy.

Johannes explains the farm is small by local standards, the block is only 18 kms long. The technology involved in farming today is amazing. The tractors are fully computerised, multiple display screens manage the tractor, the implements, fertiliser and seed using GPS and laser for guidance. In harvesting itโ€™s all about humidity and moisture content.

A local butchery service is visiting today and everyone is nervous.

The farm is now managed by Johannesโ€™ son, wife and grandson so itโ€™s a real family enterprise. We say goodbye to J+J thanking them for making our visit to Esperance so special and continue on our way to Hopetoun.

Hopetoun, Shire Of Ravensthorpe, Western Australia, 6348, Australia

Hopetoun has a lovely free RV stop backing onto the 12 mile beach only 500 metres from the centrum. It has a break wall and small jetty which has been all developed as part of the need to process gold rich ore early last century.

Itโ€™s a peaceful place well located to explore Fitzgerald National Park, but thatโ€™s tomorrowโ€™s post.

It appears we arenโ€™t alone in appreciating Ravensthorpe Council generosity in allowing free camping here. The RV stop is full now we scored the last spot.

We walk 4+ kms around Hopetounโ€™s Streets stumbling upon the best garden in town. The old fellow is bumbling around sweeping up leaves and I call out hello a couple of times to congratulate him on his garden. Eventually his wife pops up from under a bush and tells us โ€˜heโ€™s as deaf as a postโ€™ so we pass on our thoughts through her.

That was our dayโ€ฆ

Michael + Pam

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