Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Uralla, New South Wales ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ 2021

Date: 8th June 2021

Travelled: 30 kms from Armidale to Uralla  

Visited: Uralla, NSW.  

Stayed: Uralla Golf Club, $10, limited services. S30.65348, E151.49427 

Budget: 59 days @ $138 per day.

The late afternoon drive to Uralla is short, less than 30 minutes. The weather is threatening but we get flashes of sunshine all the same. We could drive on to Walcha but one of our blog friendโ€™s Yvonne has recommended Uralla a visit.

ArrivIng in Uralla we continue to Golf Club. The club offers $10 overnight parking for travellers which suits us just fine. We set up the Jayco next to a caravan and go to the club for drink only to find its closed. So we return to the Jayco for a drink of our own and then dinner. Itโ€˜s another very cold and early night. It rains heavily almost all night.

Uralla, New South Wales, Australia

We wake to blue skies and lots of water laying around. We have the usual fruit and coffee before driving back to Urallaโ€™s visitor centre. The lady kindly provides us with a map and some tips before we go off for a walk. The wind has picked up during the last 30 minutes and the temperature seems to be dropping rapidly.

Fixer Upper

The bushranger Fred Ward AKA Captain Thunderbolt is Urallaโ€™s tourist hero. Itโ€™s Thunderbolt this and that all around town. Fred operated as a bushranger and stock thief from Maitland, through Gloucester and the north-western plains. He was eventually shot and killed near Uralla in 1870.

Like this shop window

Uralla has no shortage of lovely old buildings re-purposed to cafes and boutiques. Pam keeps looking for beanies, but I argue 2ยบ is not that cold.

Uralla has two pie shops, the gourmet pie shop looked great but Pam suggested the old fashion pie shop run by two old ladies where the pies were $2 cheaper would do me fine. So loaded with my pie and Pamโ€˜s bread roll we make our way back to the relative warmth of the Jayco.

We drive out to the edge of town to visit the cemetery (as usual). Fred Wardโ€™s grave is on Urallaโ€™s must do list. The fact that the dump point is located next to the cemetery means we would have had to come here anyway.

So that was our short visit to Uralla. We would have enjoyed it more if it was not so bitterly cold. We really didnโ€™t bring clothing for this weather which was a mistake. Anyway we drive out of Uralla on Thunderboltโ€™s Way to our next adventure.

Michael + Pam

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