Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Neumünster, Germany 🇩🇪 2022

Date: 23rd June 2022

Travelled: 130 kms from Lüneburg to Neumünster, Germany 

Visited: Neumünster  

Stayed: Neumünster Swim Centre parkplatz, €13, N54.08250, E09.96110 

Budget: 29 days @ €101 per day

We get ourselves going not too early. Pam wants a swim (never should have got her hooked on swimming), a quick Google and a phone call. There is a swim centre in Lüneburg, its open now and the water in 23°. We ready the Hymer and make for the swim centre. Pay the entry €3.80 pp and we do some laps.

We get 20 odd laps done pretty easily. Mind you its a bit of a cluster, there are about 6 or 7 ladies in one section doing laps of breast stroke or side stroke with Pam slaloming through them and 4-5 guys and a couple of ladies in another section some doing breast stroke and others just doing their best not to drown.

Anyway its was a nice complex, we have breakfast in the carpark, yes being Thursday it was sardines day. I set the GPS for Neumünster and we start another day on the road.

We arrive at the stellplatz in Neumünster some 2 hours or so later (with a coffee stop), finding it’s next door to the swim centre of all places.

Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

A late lunch and some R+R completed we walk the 100m to the light rail station and catch the train into Neumünster, it’s the next stop. Cannot tell you how much it cost as we didn’t pay.

Neumünster does not rate a mention in our guide book, it appears in historical text from 1127 but the allies bomb it flat because it was an important rail hub so what you see when exploring has little historic significant or charm. But a walk is a walk and a blog is a blog.

On the way back to the station we find the Kirche of St Marie-St Vicelin (circa 1893)

I’ll save myself some typing by just saying the trip back to the stellplatz wasn’t as smooth as we had hoped. But we made it back in time for drinks and dinner. The stellplatz has filled but we don’t care as we have our spot and someone left 7 kws of power on the meter we connected to earlier in the day so free for us.

Michael + Pam

Post Script: After our usual coffee and fruit in the morning we walk next door to the pool and do our laps..one of the four pools here, the facility is probably the best we have seen.

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