Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Geysir and Gullfoss, Iceland 🇮🇸 2022

Date: 26th July 2022

Travelled: 110 kms from Geysir to Reykjavik 

Visited:  Geysir and Gullfoss  Þ  ð

Stayed: Camping Reykjavik, Isk6200, N64.14580, W21.87580 

Budget: 62 days @ €106 per day

It was a quiet evening in the campsite in Geysir. I imagined laying in bed hearing the geyser blow off every 8 minutes, but we couldn’t hear it despite being only 200m away. Had a chat to an English couple we were parked near for a while. It was their first night in Iceland and they were busy coming to grips with being in a very small rented camper, for the next two weeks.

The morning starts with Pam walking up the hill overlooking Geysir and gets a few photos.

We have some breakfast and walk up the track to the geothermal field. There is a well formed track through the park and lots of danger signs here and there. The site has a dozen or so hot-pots of crystal clear water bubbling and steaming away, then there are the two geysers. The largest is called the Great Geysir, it is currently dormant. It still bubbles and makes noises but that’s about it. The smaller of the two is Strokkur, it does go off with a bang seemingly every 5-8 minutes. Geysir literarily translates to gusher in Icelandic.

Sorry about all the youtube videos but geysers like waterfalls are best animated.

So Geysir is done, takes a while when you need to wait 10 minutes between views. The tourist buses are pulling up as we drive out of Geysir continuing north on route #35 for another 10 kms to Gullfoss.

There are a couple of buses here already, so we quickly head off to explore Gullfoss. Gull translates to gold in Icelandic and foss is falls obviously.

By the time we return to the Hymer the car-park has become a bus-park. So we turn the Hymer around setting the GPS for a campsite in Reykjavik.

It will take us a couple of hours to get there. Then another 30 minutes to work our the on-line checkin. But we’ll call this our day and talk about Reykjavik next post.

Michael + Pam

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