Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

La Rochelle, France. 2014 ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

Travelled : 75 miles to La Rochelle, in the Aquitaine Region

Visited : La Rochelle

Stayed : La Rochelle municipal aire, limited free places, with services, GPS N 46.09.944 W 001.09.333


Anyway it’s time to head for La Rochelle and we set off on the D road.  The traffic builds as the morning progresses but it’s a good run and we make it before lunch. I have set the GPS for a large aire in the middle of town and she takes us there without a problem.  We find the aire is well away from the old city however, so I put in the address of another.  That were the fun begins, she sends us around a series of narrow lanes and there’s no sign of the aire.  I’ll cut the story short but 90 minutes later we found the second aire, which was in a much better spot but our nerves were pretty well shot.

The twin towers of the forts guarding the old port of La Rochelle, France. 2014
The twin towers of the forts guarding the old port of La Rochelle.
Where not sure who he is, but it makes a good selfie, La Rochelle,  2014
Where not sure who he is, but it makes a good selfie, La Rochelle.

While the old port of La Rochelle is very picturesque, the streets leading down to it are fairly tired, probably as we were.  We walked the quay, visited the tourist information and stopped at the SFR shop to buy some more internet time for the dongle.  During all this Pam managed to find three new tops to buy in a little boutique, so for her the day was a success.  The water front has the usual stalls selling tat, but there was some interesting art and an animal show.  There’s obviously no RSPCA here. The weather is overcast but quite warm when we settle into a little bar overlooking the quay for a quiet drink.

The dog, cat and mouse circus, La Rochelle.  2014
The dog, cat and mouse circus, La Rochelle.
No problems driving up this lane, La Rochelle.  2014
No problems driving up this lane, La Rochelle.

An hour later some misty rain falls and we make a start back to the Hymer.  It starts raining in ernest just after we get back and continues most of the night.  We wake to find the sun shining and pack up for I’le de Re.

Michael and Pam

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