We cruise overnight from Barcelona, the Mediterranean is like a mill pond and it’s hard to tell where actually moving. Before breakfast we slow and edge into Toulon harbour. Toulon is a large industrial port, it appears to have a naval base as well with two aircraft carrier visible in the distance. After googling Toulon which didn’t seem that interesting we booked a bus trip to Cassis. It was the cheapest tour on the ships excursions.


Our bus initially takes the freeway and we get a look at Provence for the first time. Vineyards and small farms pass by, large homes on the hillsides. It all looks fairly dry, but then it has been a long summer here in the south of France. We turn off and take the coast road, it twists and turns it’s way along the coast. The coach driver expertly negotiates the road, at times I feel like where in a scene from the ‘Italian Job’. We are dropped off above Cassis and transfer to a petit train for the ride downhill to the port.

The petit train drops us at the bottom of the hill. Cassis appears to have two district parts, the new town on top of the hill and the original fishing village and quay at the bottom the hill. We walk the quay, the pastel colours of the restaurants and shops are reflected in the water. This place is a living post card. We walk on to the beach, wishing we had a change of cloths. The sun is now high and it’s heating up.

We head back to the square and walk the narrow lanes. Pam does the shops and our girls get some perfume. We coffee and lunch overlooking the water. If this is Provence we love it. We chat and day dream about spending a couple of months wandering this area of France.

Anyway our Petit awaits and we head up the hill and back to the ship by coach. They trip back less exiting as we followed the motorway.