Visited : Berlin, The Gemaldegalerie (โฌ27 double), The Berlin Philharmonic (lunch-time concert every Tuesday free). Gendenkstatte Berliner Mauer (free).
Stayed : Wohnmobilepark Berlin (Tegel), all the usual service including electricity โฌ21 per night for 3 nights (Camper Contact). N52.59562 E13.28909
Whilst our first day in Berlin included a three hour walking tour in the morning and lots of backtracking to other locations in the afternoon we are looking forward to our second day. Our plan is to use public transport as much as we can and save our feet today. The S6 line train to and from Berlin takes less than 30 minutes and we have no problem getting a seat on any of our journeys by public transport. In fact we never wait more than 5-6 minutes and often less.
We had originally planned to visit Reichstag (parliament building) today, however you need your ID to book the ticket and it must be done in advance (even though the tickets are free). So as I didn’t have my ID yesterday our first task today is to return to the Reichstag and get our tickets for tomorrow.
After getting our tickets for the Reichstag, Pam and I wait in the sub-way for a train to Potsdamer Platz.
Berlin, Germany
After a full day of Nazi horrors and the Cold War yesterday, we’re hoping for a bit of culture today, so we head to the Gemaldegalerie just off the Potsdamer Platz.
The Gemaldegalerie lives up to the hype, possible up there with Louvre for its collection of the old masters, including this Raffael from 1505.
Pam looks comfortable against some 15th century alter pieces. There are only a few people about during our morning visit and the audio provided interesting interpretations and background.
A Ruebens, dated 1618.
After spending the morning in the Gemaldegalerie, it’s only a short walk to the Berlin Philharmonic. That’s the unusually shape yellow building on Pam’s right.
Every Tuesday at 1pm The Berlin Philharmonic hold a free lunch-time concert. We noticed an article in the Lonely Planet and thought, why not. As you can see it’s very popular and luckily we walked over half an hour early and found a seat, as 2-300 people had to sit on the stairs and floor.
A quick look out the back, we saw the boys rosining up their bows. ‘no photos please’. They were very good, but “Johnny still the best there’s ever been” according to Charlie Daniels.
After an hour of wonderful music, a light lunch and a beer we walked back to the Gemaldegalerie to spend a couple more hours with Rubens and Rembrandt.
10115 Berlin, Germany
It’s getting late but we decide to catch the train to Nordbafnhof and walk the Gendenkstatte Berliner Mauer. It’s a long section of the Berlin Wall, fairly well preserved as it was in 1989.
A nice young couple we met walking Along the wall.
Travelled: 190 kilometres from Glรผckstadt in Germany to Tรธnder in Denmark. Visited: Husum in Northern Germany and Mรธgeltonder in Souther Denmark. Stayed: […]
Travelled : Only around Berlin Visited : Berlin, Pergamonmuseum (โฌ24 double), The Reichstag (free) and Rosenthaler Platz (free). Stayed : Wohnmobilepark Berlin […]
One thought on “Berlin (part 2), Germany 2016 ๐ฉ๐ช”
Berlin is living up to its reputation as a beautiful and cultured city. The photos look great. Enjoy your time there.