Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Canal de Bourgogne, France 🇫🇷 2023

Date: 27th June 2023

Travelled: 90 kms from Saint-Père to Vandenesse-en-Auxois  

Visited: The Bourgogne  

Stayed: Vandenesse-en-Auxois, €10, N47.22040, E04.61650  

Budget: 37 days @ €96 per day

Once again Pam has us walking the pilgrim’s path around Vézelay, this morning our walk has us return through Saint-Pére where we find the L’Église Notre Dame or the Church of Our Lady for those of you without Google Translate.

Whilst Saint-Pére has a lovely campsite a stones throw from Vézelay its fairly nondescript except for its church.

So Saint-Pére is done, we service the Hymer and set the GPS for Vandenesse-eu-Auxois. There is an aire on the Canal de Bourgogne in Vandenesse and it’s only 2 kms down the hill from Château de Châteauneuf.

Another scenic and easy drive along the D roads, 90-70-50 kph, then back to 90 kph and the cycle repeats at the next village.

We stop for a Lidl to top up our cupboards and later at a Carrefour Market for some diesel or gazole as they call it here in France. At €1.67 it was the cheapest we found today.

Vandenesse-en-Auxois, Beaune, Côte-d’Or, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Metropolitan France, 21320, France

The Aire de CC in Vandenesse is situated in the middle of the village, right on the Bourgogne (Burgundy) Canal. We manage the last spot so its obviously a popular stop-over. It has a view and shade what more could you want.

As it’s been a busy morning we flip a coin and decide we’ll stay for two days, walk the village and canal then ride the scooter up the Château du Châteauneuf tomorrow. It seems our pace is slowing.

Our wandering of the village includes visiting Our Lady of Assumption, the village church. It dates to the late 12th century. I couldn’t get a half decent photo of the outside, but the photos below show it’s very interesting.

Wandering the tiny church yard, come cemetery we find two Commonwealth War Graves, an English pilot officer and his bomb aider, both young men who presumably lost their lives somewhere nearby in 1943.

Next morning Pam has us walking the Bourgogne Canal’s old tow path. Heading west we pass another 8 écluse in just less than 3 kms. Its’ a beautiful walk and reminiscent of our time on the Midi some years ago.

Later today we’ll go on the Châteauneuf, but that’s enough for thIs blog.

I have attached a map with our travels over the past 5 weeks, you can zoom in or out, if you click on the icon it will bring up the location in detail.

Michael + Pam

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