Michael and Pam's Travels Our European Motorhome Adventures and other Travels

Corrigin, Western Australia 2023

Date: 16th April 2023

Travelled: 150 kms from York to Corrigin in Western Australia   

Visited:  Beverley and Corrigin  

Stayed: Corrigin RV Stop, free, S32.33097, E117.87321  

Budget: days @ $ per day

Leaving York was not as simple as it sounds. Traffic barriers have been erected everywhere we turn. Apparently the central streets are all part of the motorcycle fair today. Eventually someone opens a barrier and we make good our exit.

Our first stop of the day is Beverley just 35 kms down the road. Beverley stands on the Great Southern Highway about 140 kms from Perth. As you can see from the picture below itโ€™s a safe place to sight in your 303 on a Sunday morning.

We park in the RV Stop just over the Avon River and walk back into town. Beverley has some beautiful federation period public buildings and a very unusual art deco facade on the Town Hall also pictured below.

Everything is closed for Sunday except the Church and a small pop-up coffee shop doing a roaring trade with a dozen or so motorcycles parked nearby.

Amongst the lovely old houses we find a collector of everything deemed junk 40 years ago shame it doesnโ€™t open till 11am.

On our way back to the Jayco we stop and take a look at the wonderfully restored railway station now art gallery and some interesting murals, pictured above.

Crossing the Avon, back to the Jayco once again, I take a photo of the water flowing over the weir. Foaming as it is one suspects the water is contaminated with something.

On the road once again the green of the Avon Valley disappears as we drive further into the stubble (wheat belt) once again. The upside, we return to the roads lined with beautiful salmon gums. Somewhere we read they are at there most colourful in late summer early autumn.

Corrigin, Shire Of Corrigin, Western Australia, 6375, Australia

125 kms later we roll into Corrigin turning for the free RV Stop conveniently located across the road from the Corrigin Pub. Corrigin is a rail and transport hub, surprisingly there are two supermarkets although both are closed on Sunday.

After lunch we go for a walk taking in what sights there are. Then we relax before going to the pub for dinner and drinks to show our appreciation for a free night.

Why stop in Corrigin you ask, well itโ€™s half way between York and Wave Rock and itโ€™s free. In the morning we start the generator, do two loads of washing and hang them up under the awning. By the time weโ€™ve had breakfast and a walk everything is pretty well dry and we pack up and set the GPS for Wave Rock.

Michael + Pam

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